Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blogosphere does the vetting of Barack Hussein Obama ...

the task that the overpaid "journalists" and the MSM didn't do in 2008 and won't do ever.

* Barack The Beloved – 2
* Obama's Socialist Roots And Worldview – 4
* Living Like Royalty, Perpetually Fundraising - 20
* Deriding America On The World Stage (“Apology Tour”) - 21
* Obama And Israel - 24
* Obama The Divider - 39
     • Dividing Americans By Class - 40
     • Dividing Americans By Race & Ethnicity - 48
     • Dividing Americans By Gender - 71
* Key Obama Appointees: Reflecting the President's Radicalism - 73
* The Dreadful Economy - 79
* Obama And Taxes - 85
* Obama And Health Care - 94
* Obama And Energy / Environment - 106
* Obama And Homeland Security / War On Terror - 114
* Killing Osama Bin Laden - 118
* Obama And The Military - 119
* Obama And Immigration - 124
* Obama And Welfare Policy - 127
* Obama And The Constitution / Supreme Court - 128
* Obama And Abortion - 132
* Obama And Education - 134
* Obama And ACORN: A Corrupt, Unholy Alliance - 135
* Obama And The Policies That Led To The Housing And Economic Crisis - 137
* The “Fast & Furious” Gun Scandal - 138
* Obama And Iran - 140
* Obama And Egypt - 141
* Obama And Libya (Including The September 11, 2012 Terror Attack) - 143
* Turning To A Muslim Brotherhood Leader For Help - 149
* Sacrificing Freedom Of Speech, To Appease Radical Islamists - 150

via: Col.Tom Snodgrass at RightSideNews    

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