Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blacks lie again and again ... killing credibility a multiple times

Black America will do anything and everything to ensure that Obama keeps destroying the country for yet another 4 years.  Sheesh !!!  Undoubtedly, the biggest racists in America are to be found among African Americans.  I am telling you here and now .... expect the streets of America where there are  huge concentrations of  African-American hoodlums  .... to start riots and protests on the pretext that their idol has   lost the election, but in reality to destroy and loot the stores in the streets.  If the owners of the stores lining the streets where riots are expected, have any sense, they will take precautionary measures and safeguard their goods or store them away and replace everything with bags of potato chips,  extra large bottles of  pop, lots of baggy pants, toy guns and new-looking junked TV sets. Let the looters go away happy.

 .... Forensic evidence indicates that a 20-year woman  suffering from extensive burns set herself on fire then invented a story about being doused in flammable liquid by three men who she said also wrote the initials KKK and a racial slur on her car, state police said Tuesday.

On Sunday at 8 p.m., Sharmeka Moffitt called 911 from a walking trail in Winnsboro and told authorities she had been doused in flammable liquid by three men wearing white hoodies. She suffered extensive burns on more than half her body and was taken to LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport for treatment.....

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