Sunday, October 28, 2012

Benghazi-gate .... only the very best journalists are writing about it ...

the rest are dreamily experiencing the tingle up their legs just thinking about Obama in a second term.

Canadians should be proud that  we have many journalists here, primarily the  SUNTV opinionators and   journalists   who  have been talking and writing about Benghazi from the time the 2nd 9/11 happened.  Sadly, that's not the case in Obama's America.  The Press is in Obama's camp, completely and totally.

Rex Murphy writing at NationalPost
.....One reason is obvious.  An administration bragging that bin Laden is dead, and that his surviving al-Qaeda lieutenants are quivering in fear, doesn’t want a successful attack on one of its diplomatic compounds to be attributed to the very terrorist group it claims to have tamed — not two months before an election, certainly.

The furious spin of the first few days, and in particular the absolutely empty claims put forward so vigorously, and without qualification, by Ambassador Rice, might constitute more than an error. They may prove to be deliberate efforts to smother what really happened in a cloud of misinformation.
There is an air of subterfuge on this story. And as is well known since the days of Richard Nixon: It’s not the crime — it’s the cover-up.....

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