Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who killed the Americans in Libya? The very terrorists that USA and NATO nurtured for such acts ....

but forgot to tell them not to direct their inborn hatred of infidels at infidels.  Tsk tsk  .... chickens coming home to roost.  Don't forget that the chickens in Syria are  being well-fed even as we speak.   I wonder when they will be ready and raring  for their own roosting time.

So......who's going to prevail in Libya?  Will it be the moderate islamic govt. propped up by the USA and NATO or will it be the Muslim Brotherhood with their murderous armies of headchoppers?   I am putting my bets on the MB and the Caliphate.  Kudos to the MB once again for fooling the imbeciles in the Judeo-Christian countries.  Well done taqqiyah masters ...keep it up.   We,  the voters,  have nobody to blame but ourselves for placing idiots in the seats of power.

Sharon Ward writing at Foreign Policy:
The protestors who stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi,  where the U.S. Ambassador and three others were killed last night, belonged to a group called the Ansar Al-Sharia Brigade. Ansar al-Sharia is part of the ultraconservative Salafi movement in Libya, but until the attack on the consulate they were better known for acts of vandalism against inanimate objects -- namely, ancient Sufi shrines, representing a brand of Islam rejected as blasphemous by these ultraorthodox Muslims. (The image above shows their destruction at the Sidi Abdel Salam al-Asmar al-Fituri mosque in Zliten on August 25.)

Yet the Salafi campaign to "cleanse" Libyan Islam of what they view as pernicious cultural influences has far more in common with the attack on U.S. diplomats than might at first seem apparent. In both cases the ultraconservative Salafis are aiming to undercut Libya's new democratically elected government, which they also deem to be insufficiently Islamic

Starting last November, Libyan Salafis have staged a series of attacks on Sufi shrines around the country. But the campaign really began to go into high gear in August, when the extremists attacked several shrines in quick succession. On August 25, Ansar al-Sharia even deployed an excavator to destroy the Sidi Al-Sha'ab Mosque (which contained the tomb of a Sufi saint) in the center of Tripoli, unchallenged by government security forces.

That same day, Mohammed al-Magariaf, the president of the General National Congress (GNC) and interim Prime Minister elected earlier this year, denounced the shrine attacks as "disgraceful acts," and said that "those involved were criminals who would be pursued." He was immediately contradicted by the country's Interior Minister, Fawzi Abdel A'al, who commands the security forces who presumably answer to the government. Abdel A'al declared that he was not prepared to "shed any blood for the sake of some tombs." He went on to claim that he didn't have the firepower to compete with the armed Salafi militants in the country. "I won't embark on a losing battle and drag the country to war," he told reporters -- effectively capitulating to the extremist threat....

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