Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Various links about Libya and Egypt's act of war on America

An attack on a country's Embassy (a missile attack, no less) in the host country is considered to be an act of war.  Will USA retaliate for these atrocities on their own private soil in Libya and Egypt?  We all know what would have happened if there was either an embassy or a consulate in Syria and if it was attacked.  By now, jets from the USA would have been in the Syrian skies bombarding the daylights out of Syria.  

Won't it be ironic, if at a later date, we find that the missiles that demolished the USA Consulate in Libya and killed the ambassador and staff, were made in the United States of America  and were supplied to that country to get rid of Gadhafi??  

Witch Hillary Clinton's statement on Libyan atrocity.  She still does not get it, the bitch.

tweets from the stupid  twits at the US embassy in Cairo.  Shameful, degrading, cowards, dhimmis.

Libyans defiling the dead Amb.Stevens    

Libyans defiling dead staffer        

John Boehner's statement

The movie's 14 min trailer      I believe this is the 14 min. trailer of the movie on Mohammad that set off the savages in Egypt and Libya or were the attacks well planned to coincide with 9/11?  The trailer is purported to  have been out there for several days.  Wonder if the beasts in Pakistan were shot up with tranquilizers to shut them up and wonder when they will wear off so we get an opportunity to see what new hell the savages in Pakistan can  show us.

 According to CNN, there's a strong presence of Al Qaeda in Libya.       When Gadhafi said so, his statements were dismissed just like Assad's statements.  We never learn, do we ??

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