Monday, September 3, 2012

Turkey's Tayyid Erdogan's goose is cooked

His kotowing to the dictates of the White House  will spell the end to  his political career.  Since his joining the worldwide club of Obama groupies, things are just not working out in the man's favor.  Being a groupie of idol Obama does nobody any good (Canada's PM Harper should take note too).  Instead of settling Turkey's ongoing problems with the Kurds and other issues, groupie Erdogan decides to buddy up with Obama and Obama's masters, Saudi Arabia and join the proxy war between the House of Saud and Iran ... on the side of the country that's more evil.  Can madness get any more madder?

The vid below is from Al Jazeera and I had to pick my jaw from the floor.  There's definitely something not right  between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, otherwise the Qatari mouthpiece Al Jazeera would have never reported on the rally in Turkey.

....Thousands of Turkish supporters  Thousands of Turkish supporters of Bashar al-Assad have marched through the town of Antakya, in southern Turkey, demanding that their government end its support for Syria's opposition.
Many protesters are fed up with the number of Syrian refugees who have fled into Turkey, something that has become a political issue along the tense border region.......

...Thousands of people in more than 30 cities around Turkey took to the streets on Sunday to protest a new system of filtering the Internet that opponents consider censorship. The Information and Communications Technologies Authority, known by its Turkish initials as BTK, is going to require Internet service providers to offer consumers four choices for filtering the Internet that would limit access to many sites, beginning in August. Protesters in Taksim Square in Istanbul called the action, which regulators say is intended to protect minors, an assault on personal freedom and liberty.

 ...Nine members of Turkey's security forces have been killed in clashes with Kurdish rebels in the south-eastern province of Sirnak, officials say.
Around 20 militants were also killed, close to the border with Syria and Iraq, governor Vahdettin Ozkan said.
The fighting broke out late on Sunday evening and was continuing, he said.....

....On Sunday Kurdish residents of Cizre, Sırnak Province of Turkey gathered by the thousands to participate in a protest organized by the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP). The mayor of Cizre, Mustafa Gören, was also in attendance, and a general strike was enacted alongside the planned protest. Turkish authorities had refused to issue permission for the protest in the first place, citing the display of pro-PKK propaganda as an excuse. Turkish forces predictably arrived to disperse the protesters using water canons and tear gas. In response, protesters threw stones at police vehicles and lit off fireworks. A video of the protest reveals the extent of the clashes between protesters and police.....

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