Monday, September 17, 2012

Thomas Sowell: "Israel is in a desperate situation — and there is no way that Barack Obama does not know that."

The coming shariah, if Obama gets a second term,  will deprive us of  learning from  great thinkers like Thomas Sowell.

....From the beginning,   Barack Obama has tried to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. At one time he said dismissively that Iran was just “a small country.”

In fact, Iran is physically larger than Japan,   and its current population is slightly larger than what the population of Japan was when the Japanese dealt a devastating blow to the United States with its attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

A nuclear Iran can do a lot more damage to Israel than the Japanese did to the United States. Moreover, it is well on its way to being able to produce more than the two bombs that were enough to force Japan to surrender in 1945.

Israel is in a desperate situation — and there is no way that Barack Obama does not know that.

Of all the authors whose books about Barack Obama have flooded the market, Dinesh D’Souza has shown the best grasp of Obama’s strange ideological view of the world. Based on that understanding, D’Souza said two years ago: “I predict that even as Iran develops the full capacity to build nuclear weapons, Obama will do little or nothing to stop it.

As for the possibility that Israel will “launch airstrikes to disable the Iranian nuclear facilities,” D’Souza said, “I predict the Obama administration will do its best to prevent Israel from taking any such action.”

That is what Obama is doing to this very moment. He has even taken the unconscionable step of revealing to the world Israel’s secret arrangements with Azerbaijan to provide a refueling place for its planes going to or returning from an airstrike on Iran.

Dinesh D’Souza has no crystal ball. But you don’t need a crystal ball to predict Barack Obama’s hostile attitude toward Israel, despite all of Obama’s lofty words saying the opposite.........

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