Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama and Lefties are suffering from BWS "battered wife syndrome"

The more the Muslims hit them, the more they think they have the capacity to change the feral beasts into docile puppies.  Battered wives too think that they can change the violent nature of their violent husbands.

From the medical dictionary:
BWS = ....Over time, the violent episodes escalate in frequency and severity.  Most battered women report that they thought that the assaults would stop; unfortunately, studies show that the longer the women stay in the relationship the more likely they are to be seriously injured. Less and less provocation seems to be enough to trigger an attack once the syndrome has begun.....

Remember how  Obama & gang pretended to be angry   because  the Scots had released the Lockerbie bomber and sent him to Libya in 2009?  A bit later we learnt that Obama was neck deep into that muck and had in fact got the Scots to  release the man instead of transferring him to a jail in Libya, as supposedly was the planned intention of the Scots.  Obama plans on doing the exact same thing that  he manipulated the Scots into doing and guess who will go along with him?  The RINOs .... and I bet that leading that sorry queue of old foggies will be the daddy of all foggies ... McCain.  Wait and watch.

With what happened then with  the Lockerbie bomber and the outright lies, manipulation, deceit, betrayal and  obdurate nature of  the maniacs in the White House,  we should not be surprised or shocked that these same traitors are now contemplating the release of the blind sheikh to Egypt.

America is going down.  We here in Canada will be affected as well, our economy and destiny is tied to the USA .... no amount of wishing otherwise can change that fact. Our housing market bubble is about to burst too.  Don't be fooled by the way the markets have been behaving the last few weeks.  If Obama gets a second term,  nothing and nobody will be able to prevent that nation from going way below China, Russia, Japan,Germany, France, Brazil, India and the UK.

Fox News has obtained intelligence documents suggesting the US Embassy protest in Cairo was an effort to demand the release of the 1993 World Trade Center bomber. According to the documents from the Department of Homeland Security, the call to action was posted on the Internet two days before the September 11, 2012 attack in Cairo. There were calls on Egyptians to burn down the embassy if they had to, for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman, the so-called “blind sheikh.

The sheikh is now serving a life sentence in connection to the bombing of the WTC in 1993 which killed six people and injured more than a thousand others. Fox News correspondent Catherine Herridge reported that there are talks of transferring him to Egyptian custody for humanitarian and health reasons. Eight senior Republican lawmakers have sent a letter to the Department of Justice and the State Department responding to the report of transferring Abdel-Rahman......

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