Saturday, September 8, 2012

Merry Ole England .... Year of Depravity 2012

Brains below the belt.

....A prison nurse romped with a convicted rapist while colleagues stood guard and sent him text messages on his contraband mobile phone telling him 'you're generous, sensitive and dead sexy', a court heard.

A jury was told Karen Cosford, 47, had a sexual relationship with lifer Brian McBride and topped up his mobile phone for him.

The court heard Cosford sent the serial rapist a catalogue of texts including telling him 'you are my world', 'miss you so much' and 'can't wait for you to get out'.

Carolyn Falloon, 50, Jacqueline Flynn, 46, and David Sunderland, 49, who all worked on the healthcare wing at high-security Wakefield Prison, West Yorkshire, are also standing trial at Leeds Crown Court charged with one or both of the following offences - failing to notify prison authorities about the sexual relationship between Cosford and McBride, and failing to tell them McBride had a mobile phone.....

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