Sunday, September 9, 2012

Iraq's timeline of muzzies sent to 72 virgins in year 2012

The best thing is....the year still has more than 3 months to end.
The Sunnis are winning over the Shiites.  More Shiites have been blown to mini-blobs of sticky messes  than Sunnis.  You can expect a lot more from the Sunnis in the ensuing days because "revenge" will be the name of game  being that the muzzies' Sunni  VP is sentenced to death by the Iraqi court.  As far as we kafirs are concerned,  the less muzzies in this world, the better for us infidels.  Dear Muslims .. carry on with the good work of blowing each other up  and may the force be with you and may all those explosive devices work without a hitch.

From Reuters:
 ....January 5, 2012 -   Four bombs in Shi'ite areas kill at least 73 people and wound about 150.
January 14 - A suicide bomber disguised as a policeman kills at least 53 people and wounds 130 in an attack on Shi'ite pilgrims.
February 23 - Bomb blasts across Iraq kill 60 people, 32 of them in Baghdad where 10 explosions tear through mainly Shi'ite neighborhoods.
March 20 - At least 30 explosions strike cities and towns across Iraq, killing 52 people and wounding 235, despite a security clampdown for an Arab League meeting.
April 19 - More than 20 bombs hit cities and towns, killing at least 36 people and wounding almost 150.
June 13 - Bombings and other attacks in Baghdad and other cities kill more than 75 people.
June 16 - Double car bombs strike Shi'ite pilgrims in Baghdad, killing at least 26 people in third day of violence during a major religious festival in the capital.
July 23 - At least 107 people are killed in bomb and gun attacks.
August 16 - Bombings and shootings kill 100 people, many who had taken to the streets to end daily fasting for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
September 9 - Car bombs hit Baghdad when Iraq's fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi is sentenced to death on murder charges after a wave of earlier bloody bombings across the country. More than 100 people are killed in total.

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