Friday, September 14, 2012

Egyptian beasts running on Tramadol

Lee Smith's article below is  a must-read.  Whenever a writer gives us info, that the lefty media does not want to touch upon or gloss over, you have to appreciate it and know that it is coming from a journalist who takes no sides but reports the facts the way they are.    I didn't know that a huge segment of the Egyptian population is hooked on Tramadol  .... heck, I didn't even know what the drug was about.  The Muslim Bros,  they know how to keep their terrorist gangs running on drugs.

Lee Smith writing at the WeeklyStandard:
 .... But there was another level    as well, the street level, which was dominated by the Islamists and this same collection of young toughs, high school and technical school students who hang out around Tahrir Square.  They like fights, they like to storm buildings, some, if not most, are addicted to Tramadol. It’s a great anti-police drug. You don't feel pain. They can beat you to death and you won't feel a thing. They’re calling it the Zombie drug. Tramadol was a big part of the revolution. The point is that for the ideological revolution to have succeeded you needed these toughs because you had to win on the street level. To take on the entire police force of a dictatorship like Mubarak’s you needed to bring them down on the street through force. That’s who these kids are. They took on the Mubarak regime alongside the Islamists, whose willingness to die for their cause cannot be underestimated.”

Bargisi explains that the young street toughs are easy to co-opt for different causes, because they have no ideology. “During the revolution, the leftists called them heroes and martyrs on their TV shows and in their columns. They’re basically lower class kids and the leftists defended them, arguing that middle class Egyptians hated everyone who looked different or acted differently.

Bargisi isn’t sure yet what, if any, relationship the revolutionary toughs have with the Islamists. “It was organized by the jihadis, like Zawahiri’s brother. But that’s not who’s dominating the crowd right now. This Salafi guy I know comes over to fix stuff in my house. He’s a carpenter. He says, ‘Why care about this movie anyway? Have these people watched every movie ever made? I am quite sure this happens often. What's new? America sucks, nothing new.’”

The danger is if events start to spin out of control. “One accidental death is enough to do it,” says Bargisi. “Like someone suffocating from tear gas. Then there’s escalation. More people go out to the streets, more violence, and the Brotherhood has to match the Salafis. People start making unrealistic demands—the U.S. has to apologize, the U.S. has to extradite the producer. Morsi cancels his visit to Washington. At that point, we really might be looking at a replay of the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis.”....

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