Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dalton McGuinty's Ontario attracts the kind of scum not found in any other Province

I wonder why?  Do you think there might be an exclusive  newsletter circulated to a  crooks-2-crooks kind of club or something?

Video at link shows how gypsy women rob store items by hiding them under yards of skirts.

Why do I blame Dalton McGuinty for what is obviously Jason Kenney's problem?  I know fully well that  it is the Immigration department that is actually  responsible for admitting these "criminal"  refugees into Canada  .... but the Liberal govt. of Ontario has to take the blame because they criticize Kenney whenever he tries to stem the flow of refugees and illegal immigrants.  So, bottom line:  The blame for the  influx of criminal refugees and illegal immigrants lies solely  at the feet of the Libs and the NDP.  

Jeff Mitchell writes:
Durham cops have arrested two accused ringleaders  in what they say is a sprawling criminal organization that was based in Pickering and committed thefts throughout Ontario and Quebec.
Two other suspects are wanted and on the lam in Europe, police said in announcing the conclusion of Project Mansfield, an investigation that began late last year in Durham Region and soon involved police and customs officials in Canada and the United States.

Police have recovered $85,000 in cash, as well as stolen property and credit cards, and evidence of $2 million of social services claims made by participants in the organization, Durham police Chief Mike Ewles said this morning. Police have also identified $1 million worth of "suspicious" wire transactions with overseas destinations......

....In total, 34 suspects were arrested on more than 263 charges. The investigation revealed as many as 400 people connected to the ring, police said.Police continue to investigate crimes that may be attributed to the gang.....
.....Chief Ewles said the ring was highly organized and efficient, luring participants from Romania with promises of a better life in Canada and then enlisting them in criminal pursuits.
"People would arrive on a Thursday and by the following Saturday would be involved in distraction thefts," he said.......

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