Friday, September 7, 2012

Chess Master extraordinaire makes 5 moves

From the CanadianPress
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed five new senators, bolstering the Tory majority in the upper chamber.

He is sending Diane Bellemare, Tobias C. Enverga Jr., Thanh Hai Ngo, Thomas Johnson McInnis and Paul E. McIntyre to the Senate.

Bellemare fills a vacancy in Quebec, Enverga and Ngo take vacant Ontario seats, McInnis is from Nova Scotia and McIntyre is from New Brunswick.

The prime minister says the new senators are pledged to support his government's efforts to reform the Senate, including term limits.

The appointments give Harper's Tories 62 of the Senate's 105 seats.
The Liberals hold 40 seats, there is one Progressive Conservative senator and two independents.

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