Friday, September 7, 2012

Canada closes embassy in Iran .... but why not our embassy in Saudi Arabia as well, while we are in this good a mood ???

Our embassy in Iran is closed and the Iranian embassy in Ottawa given 5 days to get their diplomats out of Canada.  Canadians of Iranian origin should feel no affront if you have fully integrated with your adopted country.  This move is against the mad regime in Iran and not your family and friends in Iran.

Being a first generation immigrant, I wonder how I would feel if Canada made a similar move towards the country I was born in.  Hmmmmmm  ... Like my dad used to say, "always put yourself in the other person's shoes to understand their feelings"

From CTVNews:
 ....Canada has closed its embassy in Iran  and expelled Iranian diplomats in Canada, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced on Friday.

Baird said the Iranian regime’s support of Syrian president Bashar Assad, Iran’s refusal to comply with the UN’s resolutions on its nuclear program and its regular threats to Israel make it a significant threat to global peace.

“It is among the world’s worst violators of human rights; and it shelters and materially supports terrorist groups,” said Baird in a statement released Friday.

“Moreover, the Iranian regime has shown blatant disregard for the Vienna Convention and its guarantee of protection for diplomatic personnel. Under the circumstances, Canada can no longer maintain a diplomatic presence in Iran. Our diplomats serve Canada as civilians, and their safety is our number one priority.”
Baird said diplomatic relations between Canada and Iran have been suspended and all Canadian diplomatic staff have left Iran.

Iranian diplomats in Ottawa have been instructed to leave within five days....

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