Monday, August 13, 2012

Welcome to our brave new matriachal society ....

which is preparing to dominate the world because men have lost their balls  .... good riddance.  It's time to give a loud applause for the real makers and shakers of the new brave world .... women.

....Sweden's defence minister on Monday called Saudi Arabia a dictatorship,  five months after her predecessor resigned amid controversy over Swedish plans to help the country build an arms factory.

"Saudi Arabia is an authoritarian regime and an absolute monarchy, where serious human rights crimes are committed," Defence Minister Karin Enstroem wrote in an email to Swedish news agency TT, a copy of which was given to AFP.

"The (Swedish) government does not qualify countries as democracies or dictatorships, but if the only choices to describe Saudi Arabia are as a democracy or dictatorship, then Saudi Arabia has to be described as a dictatorship," she wrote.....

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