Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This news will never make it to the MSM desk

The dimwits at the MSM have their heads lodged so deep  in the sand,  it will be a Herculean task to pull those necks out any time soon, if ever.

Colin Flaherty writing at WorldNetDaily
...Black mob violence against “gay” people  is a perfect storm of three secret worlds: Newspapers do not report the predators, victims do not report the crimes and being “gay” is “about the worst thing you can be in black culture,” CNN anchor Don Lemon told the New York Times.

That is why a growing number of people – black and white, “gay” and straight – say this violence is more widespread and less reported than most people think.

So let’s start the reporting, beginning with the benign and working toward the violent.

Sometimes the homophobia is just talk. Black people voted overwhelmingly against “gay” rights initiatives in California and North Carolina. “Gay” writer Dan Savage belled the cat: “I’m done pretending that the handful of racist gay white men out there … are a bigger problem for African Americans, gay and straight, than the huge numbers of homophobic African Americans are for gay Americans, whatever their color.”

Convoluted? Yes. But in the hyper-sensitive environs of the politically correct, this was a shot heard round the world.

Black antipathy toward “gay” people is featured in the work of the most popular black hip hop performers. Comments from superstar 50 Cent represent hundreds of articles and videos old and new easily found on the Internet: “I ain’t into f——. I don’t like gay people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their thoughts are.”

Talking is one thing. Violence another. And more people are finding it harder to ignore the “anti-gay violence that plagues the black community,” says a headline for an article by Kenyon Farrow in The Grio, a black news website produced by NBC News.

Incidents in the black community usually receive little or no attention, we have our own problems with homophobic violence here in the U.S.”

The most visible recent case of black mob violence against a “gay” person happened in Atlanta.
A “gay” man goes into a store, comes out and finds..........

h/t: MW

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