Sunday, August 5, 2012

The vomit-inducing hypocrisy of the United States of America

Donations to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah are wrong and you can be carted to prison for decades.  Fund raising for the terrorists in Syria is all fine and dandy.    I am beginning to see why millions around the world detest  America's  interference and influence in their countries..

Raf Sanchez and Rosa Prince writing at TheTelegraph
The Syrian Support Group (SSG), a Washington-based organisation  with close links to the opposition, has been granted a license by the US Treasury to begin fund-raising on behalf the rebels.

Supporters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) hailed the move as a "game-changer" in the effort to equip the rebellion with modern weapons capable of matching those of the regime's forces.

Meanwhile, as Mr Assad's troops continued their attack on the strategic city of Aleppo, William Hague described the situation in Syria as "bleak" and conceded there was now little chance of a peaceful resolution to the 17-month crisis.

The Treasury license, seen by The Daily Telegraph, allows the SSG to supply the rebels with "financial, communications, logistical and other services otherwise prohibited" by American sanctions on Syria, although it does not permit the group to directly purchase weapons.

"This is a game-changer in terms of funding and a sign of a gradual policy shift by the US government," said Brian Sayers, the SSG'S Director of Government Relations. "We are optimistic that it will help change the situation on the battlefield in a positive way for the FSA."........

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