Friday, August 24, 2012

"The Unvetted" the film about how Obama came to power

Give 30 minutes of your time to watching the vid below and also send it to your friends down south.  

A new film from America’s Survival, Inc.  documents what journalist Cliff Kincaid calls “one of the most extraordinary cover-ups in American history --how a presidential candidate with a covert connection to a major Communist Party operative was protected by the major liberal and conservative media.” Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) and recently held a Washington, D.C. conference on “The Vetting” of Barack Obama. The 30 minute film “The Unvetted” is available for viewing for free at the ASI YouTube channel.

“Four years after we broke the story wide open with the release of a 600-page FBI file on Barack Obama's communist mentor, we are still finding major elements of the media with their heads in the sand,” Kincaid said, in announcing the official release of the new film. Kincaid is a veteran Washington journalist with more than 30 years of experience.
The film is produced in cooperation with AB INDEPENDENT PRODUCTIONS, headed by Agustin Blazquez, producer/director of many documentaries, including “Che: The Other Side of an Icon.” The “Che” documentary, which told the truth about Castro’s communist revolution, was rejected for funding and airing by public television...

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