Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The beginning of the end of the Harper govt

When one gets too big for one's shoes,  one is begging to be booted out.

When millions of Canadians are unemployed, when prices of basic essentials are going up, when Canadians get less from Health Care than do illegal immigrants and refugees, AND  when the Canadian government thinks it has to look after refugees who have been displaced purposely by the USA, UK and other nations .... then you know it's time for the people who elected these idiots to high office, to seriously change our minds and vote the Liberals in once again or any other party.  Everybody but the Conservatives are looking good at this moment.

Harper and the entire bing-bang in his government seem to be very slow learners.  They have forgotten what they did to Libya, but voters have not.  Now, they are itching to do the same to Syria.   Do these morons really think that little of the citizens of Canada?  Do these blasted idiots really think we don't know what's going on?    Did we elect this government so they can continue warfaring in Muslim lands on the pretext of "doing good".   Bloody hell!!!   Charity begins at home, morons.  Not abroad.

Saudi Arabia, USA and UK have planned, plotted and are now executing the  Syrian fiasco.  Let them carry the costs.  Why the hell is Canada involving itself in this God-damned mess.

Where do you think the money that John Baird has so generously pledged  (is it 15 Million or more?)  is really going????   Is it only for the refugee situation?   Not on your life.   Part of the money, no matter how blue in the face Harper and his cons will turn to sell us lies, will go to pay the salaries of the Al Qaeda gangs and other terrorists.  Already, we know that $2 Million is going to a charity that is an offshoot of Al Qaeda.  What more do we need to open our eyes and see how the Harper govt. has betrayed us.  Did we elect them so they would reward us by dipping our hands in the blood of innocents killed by the terrorists our tax dollars  are going to???

No more donations to the Conservatives.  Not one red cent .... not from me anyway.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said  a group getting $2 million from the federal government for humanitarian aid in Syria has the "appropriate connections" to deliver help on the ground.

The aid money for a newly formed group called Canadian Relief for Syria was announced by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird over the weekend while he visited a refugee camp on the Jordan-Syria border. A news release from Baird's department said the money will help provide "better and more timely medical care for Syrian civilians who need it."

He also announced $6.5 million to help Jordan absorb refugees who are fleeing the violence. The new pledge of money is in addition to $8.5 million already committed to the international relief effort for Syria.

Harper was asked Monday why the government would pick a new group with limited experience, that doesn't have charitable status, to receive funds rather than more experienced, registered charities such as the Red Cross.

"I'm told that our officials have done due diligence on all the organizations to which we've given money. They have, I'm told, the appropriate connections by which to deliver aid on the ground," Harper said. "It is our officials who carefully research these groups and make sure they fit the needs of the Government of Canada."
A source told CBC News that this money is meant to provide medical aid to opposition groups battling Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Canadian Relief for Syria, however, says on its website that it is non-political and helps Syrians in need regardless of their political affiliation.

Momtaz Almoussly, a board member of the group, said in an interview with Evan Solomon, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, that he can't speak for the government on why his group was chosen to receive funds, but that his group specializes in medical and humanitarian relief.

He also said that his group provides medical assistance to anyone who is injured, regardless of political or ethnic background.....

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