Sunday, August 5, 2012

Terrorists in Syria on Iranian hostages: "...all will be killed, Allah willing."

Why would Iranian Revolutionary Guards use ordinary transport with their women (and possibly even kids) tagging along if the intent was "a reconnaissance mission in Damascus" ??  Wouldn't it make more sense that the IRG would come into Syria by private aircraft and land in one of Assad's military airports?  This is poorly executed propaganda.  The USA and Saudi Arabia need  to train their terrorist gangs in Syria how to make better propaganda videos.  This is shoddy work, especially when both countries hire top-notch public relations firms whose expertise in hoodwinking the public is well-known, this is simply not acceptable.

On another note, what sweet karma!  What goes around comes around.  Iran is now experiencing what it's like to have non-combatants declared as spies and combatants just like they themselves had done with the American embassy hostages years ago.

From the Saudi mouthpiece AlArabiya:
Syrian rebels claim that the 48 Iranians    it kidnapped on Saturday are members of the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards and not pilgrims as Iran alleges, in footage aired exclusively by Al Arabiya TV.

The rebels “captured 48 of the Shabiha (militiamen) of Iran who were on a reconnaissance mission in Damascus,” said a man dressed as an officer of the Free Syrian Army, in the video aired by Al Arabiya.
“During the investigation, we found that some of them were officers of the Revolutionary Guards,” he said, showing ID documents taken from one of the men, who appeared in the background with a large Syrian independence flag held by two armed men behind them.

Abdel Nasser Shmeir, interviewed later by Al Arabiya and presented as the commander of Al-Baraa Brigade, gave similar details.

“They are 48, in addition to an Afghani interpreter,” he said, claiming that the captives were members of a 150-strong group sent by Iran for “reconnaissance on the ground.”...........

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