Thursday, August 2, 2012

So .... is everything nice and quiet on the Sunni front ???

Yup ....everything is glorious with Saudi Arabia and the puppets dancing like banshees around the House of Saud.

Saudi Arabia
1 august 2012 Riyadh : Saudi security forces opened fire on Shia protesters in the tense Qatif district of Eastern Province on Friday, wounding several as hundreds marched to demand the release of detainees, witnesses said.
Live rounds fired by anti-riot police wounded a number of protesters who took to the streets in the early hours, the witnesses said, without specifying a figure.....

Saudi protesters have held a demonstration against the repressive regime of Al Saud in the eastern city of Safwa.
Demonstrators took to the streets in Safwa, which is located about 13 kilometers (8 miles) north of the Qatif region in the Eastern Province, on Tuesday.Protesters chanted slogans against the Riyadh regime, calling for the downfall of the Al Saud family. The demonstration was held after the funeral of the wife of prominent detained Shia cleric Sheikh Nemr al-Nemr.
The demonstrators in Safwa also demanded the release of Sheikh Nemr, who was attacked, injured and arrested by the security forces of the Al Saud regime while driving from a farm to his house in Qatif on July 8.
On July 22, the family members of Sheikh Nemr were allowed to visit the cleric for a second time since his arrest......

Despite a pledge to stop abuses by its security forces, the ruling Sunni minority in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain is engaged in systematic and disproportionate use of tear gas on its restive Shiite majority, permitting police officers to routinely fire volleys at point-blank range at crowds and into homes and vehicles in Shiite neighborhoods, a leading rights group said in a report released on Wednesday.
The group, the Physicians for Human Rights, which has been highly critical of the Bahraini monarchy’s behavior since the Shiite protests inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings began there 18 months ago, called the policy on tear gas use unprecedented in the world, even among dictatorships where tear gas is a staple tool for crowd control.
Its report, based on dozens of interviews of victims in Bahrain and forensic evidence gathered there by the group’s investigators in April, said the Shiite populace’s abnormally prolonged exposure to the tear gas’s toxic components had already led to an alarming increase in miscarriages, respiratory ailments and other maladies.........

More here    and here  

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United States and United Kingdom officials should call on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to release unconditionally scores of peaceful critics, Human Rights Watch and other human rights groups said today. The detainees are being held solely for expressing views critical of the UAE government or being associated with a peaceful opposition group. Both the US and the UK have extensive trade, investment, and military ties with the UAE.
Since July 16, 2012, UAE authorities have detained 36 Emirati civil society activists and human rights defenders. Two prominent human rights lawyers are among those detained without charge, and a new spate of arrests on July 30 and 31 has brought the number of peaceful dissidents arbitrarily jailed in recent months to 50. The whereabouts of 38 of the detained men remain unknown.
“After all their fine words over the past year about standing up for democracy and human rights in the Arab world, the US and the UK have completely lost their voices when it comes to the UAE,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “It’s long past time for the American and British governments to speak out clearly, in public as well as in meetings with UAE officials, about this draconian response to the mildest calls for modest democratic reforms.”........

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