Saturday, August 25, 2012

PR firms given a Herculean task

The putrid ones in Bahrain are shoveling money into UK and USA  public relations firms to improve their image.  HAHAHAHAH !!  Now, that is a Herculean task if ever there was one.  US$ 32.5 million allocated for the project is simply not enough.  To even TRY to remove the topmost layer of grime sticking to the dirty slimeballs, the PR firms will need 10 times that sum.

Bahrain Government   Hires 18 Western Companies to Improve Image After Unrest
The Government of Bahrain has spent or allocated at least US$ 32.5 million for the services of eighteen different London and Washington DC based companies, to improve its image in the Western media, since the start of pro-democracy protests last February.  This according to a new project called PR Watch launched on Thursday by research and activist group Bahrain Watch.  The ongoing goal of PR Watch is to monitor and document the activities of each public relations company working for Bahrain's government.

When Arab Spring-inspired protesters took to Bahrain's streets in February 2011, security forces responded with a bloody crackdown, killing two protesters in the first two days and over 60 to date in the ongoing unrest. Although coverage in the Western media was relatively limited, it shone a spotlight on the Government's darker side: torture and police abuse, sectarian discrimination, and the concentration of political power in the ruling family and its allies.  Its carefully-cultivated facade of tolerance and progressivism under threat, the government turned to an array of Western public relations (PR) and PR-related firms.
Using information primarily from media reports and official government documents, PR Watch uncovers how these companies have sought to transform the narrative about Bahrain in the Western media.  The information is organized and presented on a website:  While PR Watch has identified eighteen different Western PR-related companies receiving payments or contracts worth at least $32.5 million since February 2011, these figures are based only on publicly-available information.  Actual spending by the Bahraini government on PR is likely to be considerably higher.....

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