Friday, August 10, 2012

Pakistan pisses on Saudi Arabia and the USA

No more soup for you  Pakistan.  Don't  count  on those billions no more.   How sad.  Pakistan will have to cut down on the Wahhabi madrasas springing up every few yards (courtesy of Saudi Arabia) and Pakistan's government officials will have less bribes (USA's billions)  fattening their bank balances.  tsk, tsk.

Almost 30 countries attended the conference in Iran and all of them voiced their opposition to outside intervention in Syria.

...Ending months of ambiguity over the crisis in Syria, Pakistan joined the group of countries supporting the Syrian government on Thursday and warned against foreign interference and military intervention in the 17-month-old conflict.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar was one of the three foreign ministers who attended an international consultative meeting on the Syrian crisis hosted by Iran.

It is our considered view that any outside intervention would further complicate an already very complex situation. It must be avoided,” Ms Khar said at the conference attended by about 25 countries, most of whom were represented at ambassadorial level.

She urged the international community to respect Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
Besides Pakistan, representatives from Russia, China, Belarus, Mauritania, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Benin, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Oman, Venezuela, Tajikistan, India, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Sudan, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine attended the conference.........

.....“Syria needs political space to find a peaceful solution and reestablish its societal equilibrium by engaging all sides. Syria must forge its own destiny in accordance with the aspirations of its people,” Ms Khar said.

The strong position taken by Islamabad on Syria is likely to annoy its allies US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who along with Qatar and Israel have been supporting rebels to bring down President Assad......

Her full speech is here.  

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