Saturday, August 18, 2012

Grassroots protest by real Canadians at Toronto's Hate Fest also known as Al Quds day .... part I

I absolutely loved this:   ISRAEL  IS  ON  THE  MAP  TO  STAY    

On the right is a real Canadian originally from Iran.

 Sassy and Shobie.   Shobie  dug up Dalton "give me your kid, I will transgender it" McGuinty's  miserable spine.

Pam came in the full regalia of  our Canadian  flag draped around her.

The hate fest Al Quds were screaming away some nonsense as usual.  Guess what was missing  from all the strange signs and flags they waved around.   Yup ... the Canadian flag.

Why are we not surprised?

These haters will never ever consider Canada to be their home.

Have to check all my pics,  I think I have a pic showing  the contrast between the haters group without a single Canadian flag  and our protest rally showing where we come from  ....   CANADA.

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