Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Clashes in Sinai between Egypt and terrorists

Egypt Apache copters and army personnel blew up 3 vehicles and have killed 20 "extremists" in the last 6 hours.  According to tweets on twitter, Israel has permitted Egypt to increase their border personnel by 3500 additional soldiers to ensure border safety.

Also, I  saw a tweet saying that "two Canadians were arrested in El-Arish by military intelligence, currently being questioned."   Hmmmm ... wonder if these two are the kind of  hyphenated Canadians who don't have any alliance to/with Canada?

EL-ARISH, Egypt  Egyptian military attack helicopters fired missiles on suspected Islamic terrorists in Sinai early Wednesday morning, killing at least 20 people, after an attack on security checkpoints,  Egyptian security officials and residents said.

Security officials said it is the first time that the army has fired missiles in Sinai since the 1973 war with Israel to recapture the Sinai Peninsula.

Security officials told The Associated Press that they launched the missile attack just hours after three security checkpoints were attacked by suspected Islamic terrorists in North Sinai’s main city of el-Arish, some 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the Gaza-Israel border....

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