Friday, August 31, 2012

Canada being used as base for lobbyists working on behalf of Syria's terrorist gangs

Has the Conservative govt of Canada gone to sleep or is it sleep-walking towards a cliff?  When I voted for these idiots, I didn't think they were this stupid.

It truly is vomit-inducing that hypenated Canadians (one is based in Oakville, Ontario) have set up a  lobbying organiztion which employs the sleek taqiyyah master being interviewed by BBC's Sackur.
What the man in Oakville and other immgrants from Syria are doing is wrong on so many levels that I find it truly frightening that the Conservative govt is not in the least bit worried about what's happening  here with the various Muslim communities that are starting up bases here on behalf of political parties in their "home" countires.

More here.  

Has Ottawa  lost all concept of right and wrong???  Is Canada okay funding the terrorists in Syria???   Why can't we take a referendum on this issue and see what real Canadians think about this?

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