Saturday, August 11, 2012

Allen West: "Democrats' desperation shows"

The Dems are all out gunning for one of the true Republicians in Washington and the RINOs are secretly backing them.

No stranger to controversy,  Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., wants to know where "the outrage" is after a Super PAC supporting his opponent in their congressional race put out a cartoonish ad Thursday that showed West punching two women.

West, who is black (the women in the video are white), went on Fox News earlier to ask why "Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton [and] the NAACP" had not stepped up to defend him. Had it been a Democrat targeted in the ad, he said, there would have been "national outrage."

As for the civil rights leaders, "They're not going to say anything because they're nothing but an effective wing of the Democrat[ic] Party," West told "Fox and Friends." "They have effectively kept them well placed so that they can continue to have a black electorate voting bloc.".....

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