Friday, August 3, 2012

Al Qaeda vows to take back lost ground in Iraq ...

what else can go wrong, eh?!   At the very start of the mess the USA lost the world map and erroneously invaded Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, then they and NATO forayed into Afghanistan to pamper the Taliban, then they handed over Libya on a golden platter to Al Qaeda, now they covertly or not, support Al Qaeda against the Assad regime,  then, then  .... I fear what else this nation which is on a steep and rapid decline is gonna do, not only to itself but to the entire world.

Tuesday's high-profile assault on a anti-terrorism police unit  in Baghdad was the latest in a drive by the Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda local affiliate, to make good on a pledge to win back ground lost in its war with American troops - its leader has even threatened to strike at the United States.

Insurgents ultimately failed to free their prisoners, but the intended message was clear: we're back.
With Sunni Muslim militants trickling into neighboring Syria to battle President Bashar al-Assad, security experts say al Qaeda is reaping funds, recruits and better morale on both sides of the border, reinvigorating it after years of losses against U.S. forces and their Iraqi allies.

Islamic State of Iraq and other Sunni militant groups hate Assad's minority Alawite sect, a distant offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, which they see as a heretical oppressor of Sunnis.

Hostile to Shi'ites in general, they also oppose the Shi'ite-led government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Iran, the major Shi'ite power in the region, is a firm ally of Assad and wields great influence in Baghdad.....

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