Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ugh !!! This is the reason why I hate everything to do with Kings and Queens and royalty

Forget about an assault on freedom of speech .... this kind of behaviour is an assault on your body and how your body parts are supposed to behave in the presence of royalty.  Where's my vomit bucket??!!!    

The Duchess of Cambridge may be the future queen, but she has discovered that there are several women in the Royal family to whom she must show reverence. Mandrake hears that the Queen has updated the Order of Precedence in the Royal Household to take into account the Duke of Cambridge’s wife.

The new rules of Court make it clear that the former Kate Middleton, when she is not accompanied by Prince William, must curtsy to the “blood princesses”, the Princess Royal, Princess Alexandra, and the daughters of the Duke of York, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

When William is with her, Kate does not need to bend the knee to either of them, but she must curtsy to the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh......

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