Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This is the real China ...

my dear lefty friends, not the beautiful and smiling tour operators who make you feel all soft and fuzzy all over.  Still proud of China's accomplishments and China's climb to the top of  the political power ladder in the world?

Will you believe that it is the United Nations funding abortions in China with funds from the USA?  I wonder if a part of what Canada gives the UN also goes to murder Chinese babies and sterilize their mothers?  How shameful if proven to be so.   That would make all us taxpayers complicit in the murders.

Below is part of  the testimony given before the US  House Committee on Foreign Affairs  Hearing  on “Continued Human Rights Attacks on Families in China”  dated 2 p.m., July 9, 2012
.....By then, my unborn baby had already been murdered and I lost heart.  Was there any point in trying to escape now? After a while, I felt my abdomen begin to bloat.  In about an hour (I was not wearing a watch then) half of my baby's body emerged.  I had always been in poor health, and not having had breakfast that morning made me even weaker to deliver the baby.  At this point, the person guarding me went to fetch a person in white who pulled the baby out and put it on a small table less than three feet away from me.  It was a baby boy, with no tears, no cries and no mother's cuddle, he was just left lying there naked and all alone.  A while later the person in white, with some effort, removed my placenta which, together with the dead baby, was stuffed into a transparent plastic bag. They left without a single word.

About a half hour later, seeing nobody at my bedside, I got up. I saw that by the neighboring bed was a small table with the dead body of a male newborn.  I turned to the woman lying on the bed and said, "You delivered a baby boy.” The woman said, "This baby would have been born in a day or two. I was abducted from my home in the countryside.  I could have escaped if not for my mother-in-law who consulted a fortune-teller who said I was pregnant with a girl.  She asked memore than once to abort my baby.  When the people from Family Planning Commission showed up, I hesitated, and so I was captured.  Thinking about it now, I'm full of regret.".........

Read the whole story here:   UN slammed for it's forced abortions in China using US funds.
...American law prohibits spending taxpayer money on initiatives or organizations that support or participate in forced abortions. But because President Obama restored U.S. government funding for the UN population body in 2009, American taxpayers are again helping to finance the mass slaughter. For the 2012 budget, the administration sought almost $50 million for the UN agency. But the outcry is growing....

h/t: Irene

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