Monday, July 23, 2012

Terroristhunt in London

If anything goes ***BOOM*** during the Olympics,  the ones responsible will be the lovable homegrown muzzies, not foreign muzzies, although the open borders in and out of the entire EU countries might be a big temptation to the foreign terrorists.  All they need to do is somehow land in one of the EU countries and the travel easy rail system is their ticket to any corner of the EU.  No check-points, no need for passports, nothing.  "Have bomb will travel" kind of deal.

Anthony Bond writing at MailOnline:
 Olympics' most wanted:   Terror police fear suspect hunted after Bulgarian bus bomb could be on his way to London 2012........

A terrorist believed to have been involved in a horrific suicide bomb attack in Bulgaria last week has emerged as one of the biggest security threats to the Olympics.

The man is thought to be carrying a U.S. passport under the name of David Jefferson and fled following the attack which killed six people last Wednesday in the resort of Burgas.......

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