Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shooting Spree in Scarborough, Toronto

Two young people confirmed dead, 19 injured.  Might have been two shooters at an outdoor party gathering going on a shooting spree after an argument between two groups. 

The thing that will strike you is Police Chief Bill Blair's ridiculous statement:  
 It is difficult to describe -- this is unprecedented," he said. "In my 35 years of policing, this is the worst incident of gun violence anywhere in North America and the worst crime in Toronto's history."
Worst incident of gun violence anywhere in North America  ?????   What is the chief smoking???   

I fear that even if only 1% of what happened on 9/11 in the USA happens over here in Canada,  our police force, and that includes the RCMP too, have  been too dumbed down and pussified to handled anything like a major disaster effectively or efficiently.

This is what happens when Liberals hold the reins of any country for longer than 4 years.  Moreover, an unionized police force is no force at all.

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