Friday, July 20, 2012

Shame on the Edmonton Police Services

Don't they know that the goal should be to name and shame the criminals and offenders once charges have been laid against such individuals?  What sort of an appeasement game is the Chief  of the Edmonton Police Services playing by going to all lengths not to give the names of criminals caught in the police nets?   It's not just for the crime linked below,  for almost every news release, the EPS is shielding the names of those charged.   SHAME !!!

We all know that Edmonton is fast becoming into the kind of  areas  Somali immigrants have turned various points in Minnesota.  As long as our politicians and our police services in Canada continue playing the disaster game of Political Correctness, this very damaging Muslim criminal behaviour in Canada will not diminish, not by even a centimetre.  Just posting some pics of  some people trying to escape the drug bust (and in my opinion, they look like Somalis) is not enough.   Names, give us names.  Don't destroy Canada by  being  blasted politically correct fucks.

Undercover operation targets drug traffickers
For Immediate Release:11-Jul-2012 @ 12:02 PM 
MRU #:12R107
The Edmonton Police Service has arrested 30 individuals and laid 155 charges related to drug trafficking following a focused six-week drug operation in the downtown core.
As part of the EPS Violence Reduction Strategy, the enforcement activity was in direct response to an increase in complaints from local residents and businesses, all regarding drug-related violence and disorder occurring within a three-block radius.
The purpose of the operation was to target drug dealers along 101 Street between 103 Avenue and 106 Avenue, where the majority of the drug-related crime was being reported. Drug trafficking facilitates robberies, assaults and property crime.
The objective of the project was to disrupt the street level drug network, along with the resulting criminal activity (violence and disorder) associated with the purchase and use of illegal drugs.
Thirty-six dealers were identified as currently active in the area. To date, 30 men and women have been arrested and lodged in custody. Warrants have been filed for the remaining six.
The timing of the operation should have the majority of those arrested in custody and awaiting trial during the busy summer months, when police resources are used to full capacity. Those released will have bail conditions preventing them from drug activity or attending the district.
“Within the targeted area there are shelters in place to provide assistance to anyone wanting to change their life or in need of help from various social agencies,” says Downtown Division Acting Supt. Dave Berry. “It should be a safe place for vulnerable people to access without being exposed to predators, triggers or temptation.”
The EPS continues to conduct operations targeting drug dealers as an ongoing effort to reduce violence and overall crime, and to encourage citizens and businesses to continue to report drug related or suspicious criminal activity to the EPS.....

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