Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Religion of Peace tally from June 25 - 30

Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan are vying for 1st place in this round of  "KillKillKill".  How many will die from their wounds?  That count will determine the winner. 

Also, note that Pakistan's terrorists have graduated to bombing commuter trains and buses.  Escalation or improvement of  that particular strategy will yield many more dead bodies.  GO Pakistan GO !!!

2012.06.30 Thailand  Yala A 60-year-old man is murdered in front of his home by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2012.06.29 Iraq Balad Jihadis take down seven patrons with two market bombs.
2012.06.29 Algeria Ouargla  A suicide car bomber manages to take out one other person.
2012.06.29 Afghanistan Kamdesh Four women are among ten innocents slain by a Shahid suicide attack.
2012.06.29 Kenya Dabaab  Islamists shoot a driver and kidnap four humanitarian workers.
2012.06.28 Pakistan  Quetta  A Fedayeen attack on a bus carrying Shia pilgrims leaves at least eighteen dead.
2012.06.28 Pakistan  Ziauddin  Islamists dismember two guards and blow up a primary school.
2012.06.28 Iraq  Baqubah Sectarian Jihadis set off a bomb near shops and cafes frequented by Shiites. At least six are killed.
2012.06.28 Iraq  Baghdad  Islamic bombers successfully kill eight patrons at a marketplace.
2012.06.28 Dagestan  Karamakhi  Islamists shoot an anti-extremist imam and one other to death in his mosque.
2012.06.28 Nigeria Gulak Five policemen are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2012.06.28 Syria  Homs A university professor is shot to death in her home along with five family members, including three children.
2012.06.27 Afghanistan  Ghoryan Six Afghan police are killed in an ambush and roadside bombing.
2012.06.27 Pakistan  Bazidkhel  Four people are kidnapped and brutally executed by Islamic militants.
2012.06.27 Syria  Damascus  Seven employees at a television station are butchered by Sunni terrorists.
2012.06.27 Iraq Madain    A vicious double bomb attack kills eight Iraqis.
2012.06.27 Iraq Baghdad  'Insurgents' blow up a family home, killing three women.
2012.06.27 Pakistan  Quetta  At least eight are killed when Muslim terrorists bomb a commuter train.
2012.06.27 Afghanistan  Musa Qala  Four policemen investigating an earlier bombing are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2012.06.27 Iraq  al-Wahda Two children are among three people slain when terrorists bomb a house through the air conditioning system.
2012.06.27 Yemen Jaar  An additional thirty-nine people are reported dead from al-Qaeda landmines.
2012.06.27 Pakistan  Dera Ismail Khan  A woman is murdered by her family for marrying by choice.
2012.06.26 Thailand   Yala A separate shooting and bombing by militant Muslims leaves one dead and fourteen injured.
2012.06.26 Nigeria Kano Islamic extremists shoot a prison guard to death.
2012.06.26 Iraq  Ramadi  Terrorists kill a doctor and seriously injure his daughter.
2012.06.26 Dagestan  Makhachkala  A Islamist drive-by leaves one cop dead.


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