Thursday, July 5, 2012

The new immigrants Jason Kenney is importing, fail even the most simplest of tests

No matter how tough or heartless or a stickler for  rules and regulations that the Immigration Minister Jason Kenney's persona is at pains to portray,  his department is still importing  the kind of immigrants and approving the kind of refugees who will ultimately, by a large percentage,  be a burden on Canada and Canadian taxpayers.  His department is paving the way for a future EU-kind of  benefits dependent population and furthermore,  the influx of Muslim immigrants coming into the country on his watch should be a concern to everybody, even the supporters of the Minister.

Personally,  I think the Conservative govt. is trying to appease the majority of Canadians who just know that "BAD" immigrants and "WORSE" refugees are now citizens of this great country because of their own laxness .... by unleashing the various  fictional "tough immigration measures" that Jason Kenney so readily tells us he is taking .... while they continue bringing in Muslims from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, India, Syria and from all over Africa.   The future does not look good for peace loving non-Muslims in Canada.  
Andy Radia writing at Yahoo/Politics:
An immigrant can apply  to become a citizen three years after moving to Canada.
It's the final step in immigrating and, as opposed to permanent residency, allows people to vote and carry a Canadian passport.
But, according to an article in the Globe and Mail, more and more newcomers are failing the citizenship test since the Harper government made the exam a lot tougher..........

Some sample questions are below. (For the answers, go to the article where you will also find the Study Guide and sample tests provided by the govt.)

1. Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
a. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
b. Equality rights and to care for Canada's heritage.
c. Basic freedoms and obey laws.
d. Aboriginal peoples' rights and to volunteer.

2. From where does the name "Canada" come?
a. From the Inuit word meaning country.
b. From the French word meaning joining.
c. From the Métis word meaning rivers.
d. From "kanata", the Huron-Iroquois word for village.

3. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?
a. Anyone.
b. A Canadian citizen who is 16 years old.
c. Any man who is at least 18 years old.
d. Any Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old.

4. How many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross (V.C.), the highest honour available to Canadians?
a. 56.
b. 96.
c. 1,024.
d. 42.

5. What are some examples of taking responsibility for yourself and your family?
a. Buying a house and a TV.
b. Getting a job, taking care of one's family and working hard in keeping with one's abilities.
c. Doing laundry and keeping the house clean.
d. Study hard so you can earn enough money to take a vacation.

via: CIReport

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