Friday, July 20, 2012

Islam in Russia getting more terrorism-conscious as is the norm with that cult

Look, you got to admit that with Obama's election as the President of the mightiest nation on our planet,  the muslims have  become more murderous than ever before.  It stands to reason that they look at him and his under-achievements and think " why not the rest of us.  If he can fool the infidels so boldly and beautifully, so can we. We too want to rule over the infidels like Obama does"  

 ...Russian authorities said  they detained five suspects on Friday over attacks that wounded the top Islamic official in the mostly Muslim Tatarstan region, killed his deputy and raised fears of the spread of militancy to Russia's heartland.

The federal Investigative Committee suggested the attacks - in an area previously held up as a model of religious tolerance - were provoked by disputes over faith and money.

Tatarstan's mufti, Ildis Faizov, was hospitalised after three powerful blasts hit his car in Tatarstan's capital, Kazan, on Thursday. A little earlier, deputy mufti Valiulla Yakupov was shot dead outside his home.....

....Many young people are attracted to Salafism, a puritanical branch of Islam.
Analysts say Faizov, elected as mufti in April 2011, has mounted a crackdown on non-traditional clerics, some of whom are natives of the North Caucasus, and local authorities believe some clerics are spreading extremist ideology.

Dozens of alleged members of Hizb ut-Tahrir (Islamic Party of Liberation), a group banned in Russia since 2003 but allowed to operate in the United States and most European Union countries, have been arrested in recent years....

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