Thursday, July 26, 2012

For wife-killers, Canada offers a deal you can't refuse, apply for immigration today, arrive here next year, be a bachelor again soon after

Just serve 5 years behind our 5-star prison bars and that's that.  Now is that a deal or what !!  So murder away.  We understand your frustration with pesky wives who are just begging to be killed.... we do, we do.  

Crown argued for 7-10 years  (height of stupidity)
Defence argued  for  5-7
The wife killer gets 7.5 years behind bars which means that the murderer receives double credit for time served from June 2010 and will be out a free man  within the next 3 years.
The Canadian  justice system is not only broken, the broken pieces have been flung right out into outer space.  I shiver to think what the wife's parents must be going through with the kind of injustice the Canadian justice system has bestowed on their daughter and themselves.

A Surrey man who strangled his wife and then hid her body inside their young son's bed   has been sentenced to seven years and six months in prison.

Justice Terry Schultes sentenced Kamaljit Singh Dhanoa, 35, on Friday afternoon at B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster. The Crown argued for a prison term of seven to 10 years and the defence, five to seven.

Dhanoa also received double credit for the time he'd already served in custody while awaiting trial. That means he'll actually be serving two years and five months more in jail.
Originally charged with second-degree murder, Kamaljit pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter, for killing his 32-year-old wife, Tejinder Kaur Dhanoa, at the couple's home at 13058 English Place, on Jan. 6, 2010.......

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