Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dear Senator Dallaire

 A friend of mine forwarded an email he has sent to the Canadian Senator Romeo Dallaire who has declared himself  a saint, but in reality he is far, far, far, far from sainthood of any kind.

Dear Senator Dallaire:
Yesterday I received an e-mail from you enclosing a  petition urging the return of Omar Khadr to Canada.

 I will not be signing the petition.
 In fact, I had already sent the Minister an email requesting that  he decline to sign a Prisoner Transfer Agreement, thereby blocking Omar Khadr's return to Canada, in the light of the appearance of Ezra Levant's new book "The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies, and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr", which I read with consternation.
Omar Khadr's return to Canada so far in advance of serving his full sentence would send so many wrong signals that one does not know where to begin.
He would be a symbol for jihadis all over the world, generating much traffic and activity centring on Canada, both electronic communications and physical visits, thereby putting a further strain on our law enforcement agencies.  Further, his return would appear to fly in the face of the spirit of the government's new flagship crime bill.  It would also be seen as a sign of weakness by the very people we should not be encouraging.   

A lot of us are looking to the current government to provide the same sort of leadership over this issue as they showed over Israel, Kyoto, etc.,  in the face of pressure from the liberal establishment to sign the Transfer Agreement.

Meanwhile, more recently, a very interesting item has come to light: 
 Saudi women's rights activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider points out that:
 "... prisoners in Guantanamo Bay in some ways are better off than some Arab women who are kept as prisoners in their own homes.  While the Guantanamo prisoners " wear practical, light-cloured clothing suitable for the climate ... some Arab women are forced to wear impractical and suffocating garments    ... A prisoner in Guantanamo [can] see the sun, feel its rays and enjoy the caress of fresh air on his face, even when he is in chains, whereas the women in some Arab states  are shackled [both]  physically and spiritually ... the minute the girl enters her teens , she no longer sees the light of day, and she cannot breathe fresh air except through a veil, since she is covered from head to toe in black garments." 

When Omar Khadr's sister and mother were interviewed on the CBC wearing such garments the interviewer should have told them that he was freer than they were.

Meanwhile, it's only fair that I draw your attention to the April issue of Literary Review, with  Reg Whitaker's review of Ezra Levant's book:  "Citizen Khadr, Either Omar Khadr has certain basic rights or no Canadian does. Which is it?" pp.   22-24. 

There are serious points Ezra makes that Reg Whitaker simply ignores: 
1)  Why Omar  Khadr is in no way a "child soldier" ( I would be very interested in your own comments on this one).
2)  The way Khadr and the other jihadis are playing the Canadian "liberal media-legal industrial complex"  strongly recalls the way in which the nuclear disarmament movement was largely directed from Moscow via local Communist parties, via its "useful idiot"  liberals.

Further, the letter writer comments to me:
When contemplating DND, one is reminded of the passage in "Flashman at the Charge" where, just before his meeting with Michael Ignatieff's terrible great-grandfather, Flashman muses on the Tsarist public service; something along the lines of (quoting from memory)."Those Russian civil servants are a bad lot ....arrogant, corrupt, immensely puffed up .... they give themselves military ranks, so that you find that Colonel So-and-so is in charge of neglecting the parish sewage, or General ....  is fiddling municipal finances." 

Step forward, Romeo Dallaire.
Apparently many in the military consider Dallaire to be a coward, not a hero, for his embarrassing role in Rwanda, for example, the Belgians, whose soldiers were slaughtered right under Dallaire 's nose as he was allegedly "negotiating" with their genocidal captors.  They'd like to try him for what they see as his abdication of leadership but the Liberal Gov't of the day protected him from any such extradition to face legal action.  Liberals love him for his wishy-washy "victimhood" nonsense, not to mention his  flagship status as a prominent Francophone.   There's a lot more to the Rwanda slaughter than most people realize.  It was an international failure of the highest order and Dallaire was a useful pawn in the UN's inaction.   
How else can his actions circulating a petition calling for Omar Khadr to return to Canada be explained?

Everything you say makes perfect sense, friend.

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