Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dear God ... Thank You for Anthony Furey of SUN TV

We shouldn't be glorifying hyphenated Canadians who return to the land of their lineage to fight in foreign conflicts.

Toronto resident Thwaiba Kanafani posted a YouTube video on July 7 announcing her intentions to join the Syrian rebel forces. The 41-year-old is a trained engineer and mother of two kids who were born in Canada. She was born in Damascus and moved to Canada in 2002. She said she could no longer sit idly by and watch people be murdered. She's now joined the Syrian Free Army to fight against President Assad.

I don't know her personally at all, but am willing to assume she's a great mother, great employee, pays her taxes, follows the law. Fine. And I'm definitely not a fan of President Assad. After all the horrible things he's done, he's now making threats about weapons of mass destruction and chemical warfare. But Assad's wrongs aside, I think we should ask some questions about what Kanafani is doing.....

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