Monday, July 16, 2012

Curse of the White Widow

 One woman in a burqa evading the might of British Intelligence, Kenyan and Tanzanian police and the  US  anti-terror dicks.  The black  burqa seem to have given this woman, who is suspected to be Al Qaeda's  chief financier in the African region, the super powers that Jim Carey's  character  got in the movie "Mask" by wearing a mask.

Mike Pflanz writing at TheTelegraph
Days after her husband blew himself up    in a Tube carriage beneath King’s Cross station on July 7, 2005, killing 26 people, Samantha Lewthwaite professed complete “incomprehension” at his “horrific” act. Within weeks, the soldier’s daughter and teenage Muslim convert from Aylesbury disappeared from view, with the two children she had by bomber Jermaine Lindsay, one of them the couple’s weeks-old newborn.

Police sources said surveillance on the family was “switched off” late in 2005. Spin forward six years, to Christmas last year, and that surveillance was on again, this time far from England’s southern counties, in a rundown suburb of Mombasa, on Kenya’s coast, where Lewthwaite had just slipped a clumsy police dragnet.

In a two-room flat she rented in the city, one of four she paid for in cash with months of rent up front, anti-terror police found chemicals identical to those her husband used at King’s Cross on 7/7. In another, more upmarket villa close to tourist hotels, ammunition, detonators, an assault rifle and cash in black bin-liners were seized. Lewthwaite, then using a faked South African passport in the name of Natalie Faye Webb (a nurse from Essex who had never been to East Africa), had again disappeared.

A picture soon emerged of a woman “intending to cause harm to innocent civilians” by means of “an explosive device”, according to Kenyan police charges against her. She was on the run, Scotland Yard said, with a British-Kenyan man of Pakistani origin, Habib Saleh Gani. An associate of Lewthwaite’s, Jermaine Grant, also British, was arrested at the house with the bomb-making chemicals and is currently on trial for the same charges Lewthwaite faces, which he has denied.

But since the charges were drawn up, on January 4, there has been “zero concrete information” about Lewthwaite, one senior anti-terror official in Mombasa told me this week. Lewthwaite herself remains free despite the combined attempts of Kenyan, Tanzanian, British and, allegedly, US anti-terror detectives to find her.......

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