Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You wanna know how the "liberated" Libya is doing now that "dictator" Gadhafi is no more?

The lawyer acting for Libya's former prime minister Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi, who was extradited to Tripoli from Tunisia at the weekend, claims his client has been tortured.
Marcel Ceccaldi, a French lawyer, said on Wednesday Mahmoudi had been badly beaten by Libyan security officers and left with broken ribs and a punctured lung.
"According to the information I have, it seems that he has been beaten," said Ceccaldi. "He is in hospital, under guard."...

Other news from the Libyan Utopia, the product of the almighty NATO:

According to a Libyan  blogger, this is a pic of weapons seized in the coast city of Salloum on the Egyptian-Libyan border.

And, the blogger also reports that:
TINISIA/LIBYA border - A Tunisian fishing boat was attacked by a NTC criminals  in international waters, causing 17 injured people. 
= TRIPOLI AIRPORT - Zintan Militia are still holding on To International airport and moved into other streets as well. dispite many clashes.= MISRATA Militia's in #Misrata were killing each other again. Repeating pattern at the port of Misrata and its city center.
= KUFRA - NTC's battalion17 is arriving in Kufra. About 100 with armed NTC bandits cars arrived today. [yesterday] New fighting erupted after sunset today between Shield of #NTC brigade and the tribes [before2 days] Kufra residents say they can't hold election
= BBC's unimpartial report on its "impartiality" in regards to war on Libya
They put as a little convenient addition that they didn't cover human rights abuses by the rebels. But they don't mention the scale of those abuses and that in fact this omission meant that the BBC did not seek out the voices of thousands of pro-Gaddafi people who were being persecuted in rebel held areas.

Lovely stuff eh?!  And all the above events within just the last couple of days?  So much happening in Libya but strangely none of the media outlets seem to think any of it is of any concern.  Gadhafi was murdered, sodomized, done.   Onwards to Assad.  You gotta wonder who comes next after Assad... or is that a foregone conclusion?

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