Friday, June 22, 2012

Win-Win method to deplete the Sunni megatonnes of oil money

I am loving this.  So... the Saudi and Qatari cavemen are gonna fund    the rebel army in Syria.  Sunnis merrily killing Shiites and Shiites doing likewise to the Sunnis.   Sunnis yelling "Allahu Akbar" and the Shiites yelling ... what do they yell ?  "Oh Shiit"  probably? We should have nothing to do with the conflicts in Muslim countries.  Let them kill each other.  Think of it this way:  For every Muslim killed, there will probably be 5 infidels left alive somewhere in the world.  Non-Muslim countries should not interfere in the Muslim   civil wars.  Let them duke it out between themselves. 

Canada is the first ... nay, the only nation in the entire world to state outright that "Canada stands ready to defend  Israel" and "A threat to Israel is a threat to Canada"  which translates to this:   if any of the  murdering nations around Israel dare to attack her .... watch out.  This is yet another excellent decision and what a wonderful statement of support by the Conservative government of Canada to the world's brainiest country.  Another reason to be a proud Canadian.

It should have been the USA who should have been the first nation to assure Israel of it's support given that the Jewish population in America is 2.1%    whereas  Canada has just  1.1% .  At this tumultuous time when the Jew-hating countries around Israel are on the warpath with each other  but  at the same time both Sunnis and Shiites  never let up on their hatred    for Jews and given that  their favorite mantra is "it's all the fault of  the Jews" ... one would have expected the USA to make a clean and clear statement that they will come to Israel's defence if and when required.

More and more often, Canada is taking on the adult role on Planet Earth and is truly the "haven for sanity" that Glenn Beck said about this country.  It's the common-sense approach of the Conservative govt. that has made a scrooge like me fish out my cheque book today and make a donation to the party.  I am sure many others feel the same way.

I hope the Saudi fucks and the other sodomites in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain  keep sending their money to their rebel armies in not only Syria but Iraq and Yemen and in the very near future to arm the dissidents in Pakistan too.  I hope Iran too sends lotta money to Syria, Iraq and Lebanon for similar purpose   Kill, kill each other you scourge of the earth.  Good riddance.

Let the fireworks continue.   What a lovely long as we don't go anywhere near them or set them off ourselves.

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