Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What an adorable story... one burkha files suit against another burkha ...

for hurt feelings worth 50 lashes.. The poor dear.   Awww .... where's my tissue box? *sniff* *sob*

Our dear ally in wars on "dictators" is so fair-handed, wouldn't you say? I guess such good rulings could be picked up by ourselves too. What are allies for anyway if not for learning the yummy stuff from each other, eh?!

Maybe our Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird could discuss with his jovial counterpart in Saudi Arabia the following:
what type of whips to use;
how long the length of the lash should be;
does the lasher get whip-lashed from the ricochet;
what sort of ointment the lasher uses for stings from the ricochet;
do burkhas get shredded when being whipped;
should Canadian women being lashed be provided with clothing like burkhas while being whipped;

So many things to discuss with our faithful ally Saudi Arabia. The Honorable John Baird's agenda is gonna be full of exciting things to talk about the next time he meets with the ghouls from Saudi Arabia.... or is he gonna misplace the agenda altogether and just blabber on about our good relationship with this cavemen country?    Vomit inducing !!!

....A Saudi Arabian woman has been handed a punishment of 50 lashes for sending an obscene text message, it was reported.

According to Arabic language Saudi daily Kabar, the woman was given the sentence after being found guilty at a trial held in the holy city of Makkah.

The court found that the Saudi national had cursed and made racist remarks to her friend in the message following an argument between the two over how to best spend a weekend evening.

The women that received the message went to court and made a formal complaint against her friend and showed the judge the message.

Although the accused said she was joking, the court ordered her to be lashed.....

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