Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The UN has a vendetta against Canada. Why? Because we are the only nation with the cojones to critique it's lunacy

The pure and total insanity emitting from the lunatic asylum that the politically correct still insist on calling "The United Nations" is seen in all it's mad glory in their various attacks on a country like Canada.

Even a blind fool will be able to determine that they have a vendetta against Canada.  Canada, it's time to exit from the stark raving madness of  what the  United Nations has become.

Jessica Hume writing at QMI reports:
As Canada comes under UN criticism once again  - this time for Quebec's new law on demonstrations - some legal experts here are wondering whether it's time Canada reconsiders its membership to the 193-nation international body.
The UN's top human rights official, Navi Pillay, included Canada in a list of the world's worst on human rights, and criticized Quebec's Bill 78 for restricting freedom of assembly. The emergency legislation requires protesters to notify police eight hours ahead of assembly, restricts education employees' ability to strike and gives the Minister of Education the right to change the act.........

Brian Lilley writing and talking about the UN at his blog and at Byline:
....Like me, Miller is upset at several actions of the UN including sending its special rapporteur on the “right to food” to investigate Canada, a land where even our poor are often obese. Miller sees that visit and its report condemning Canada and calling for European style social welfare programs as the solution to be a waste of time.
“The United Nations is an organization that was designed to work collectively to solve the major problems facing the world,” said Miller. “If this is the type of action that the UN will be taking then I think that it is high time that we review our participation in the United Nations.”

The other recent report that bothers Miller is the Committee on Torture document which blasts Canada for not doing enough to bring young Omar Khadr back to Canada and claims sensible changes to our refugee system will put lives at risk.

I’m ticked at that as well, when did it become the job of the United Nations to review Canadian legislation?

...Here’s a quick question, why is an international planning body of the United Nations concerning itself with a very local issue like education? If this is about the environment why are the priority areas gender equality and human rights?
Now Agenda 21 is supposed to be specifically about having local planning work on sustainable development. Does it bother you that the United Nations is trying to get involved in planning at the local level? They want specific land use policies in place, they want specific urban development plans in place.....

And, here's Ezra Levant discussing some of the most stupid statements coming from a world body like the United Nations.

More here on the madhouse UN.

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