Sunday, June 10, 2012

State of Emergency declared in western Burma

The Canadian government and other Western nations should take note.  What's happening in Burma will likely be your future headache  if  a complete halt is not put to the  the immigration of these aggressive people to your countries.

This time, according to some blogs I read, the violence was  largely committed  by the Buddhists.   Yeah, I know .. hard to believe eh?!   Goes to show how the mildest of people can turn ferocious when they can no longer take the constant prodding in the ribs by the warlike Muslims.  I believe the Buddhists went on the warpath when one of their women was either assaulted, raped or killed....nothing is crystal clear from what I read so far.

From the IrrawaddyPress:
 RANGOON — Burma’s pesident on Sunday night    declared a state of emergency in a western state where sectarian tensions between Buddhists and Muslim Bengalis have unleashed deadly violence.

It is the first time Thein Sein has invoked the law since he took office early last year. A state of emergency effectively allows the military to take over administrative functions for Arakan State, a coastal region that borders Bangladesh.

The move follows rioting on Friday in two Arakan areas that state media say left at least seven people dead and 17 wounded, and saw hundreds of houses burned down. The unrest spread on Saturday and Sunday, though order was said to have been restored in the areas shaken by Friday’s violence.
In a nine-minute speech televised nationally, Thein Sein said that the violence in Arakan State was fanned by dissatisfaction harbored by different religious and ethnic groups, hatred and the desire for vengeance....

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