Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shameful! Canada can send millions of dollars to save citizens of other countries but...

when it comes to  rescuing Canadians who are probably trapped under the Elliot Lake Mall wreckage ... the all powerful Canada is totally helpless?

How disgraceful!!  How shameful !!   We all know that the Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty is busy teaching kids how to go down on each other and how to cross-dress, besides encouraging a Muslim takeover of school cafeterias for Allahu Akbar  .... but what about the Federal govt?  Where the fuck is the Federal govt if the Premier of the Province is totally useless in a crisis.  Part of the mall collapsed four days ago and people (nobody knows for sure if any or how many are trapped besides telling us that they can hear tapping  from the wreckage) might be still trapped and alive but  as yet  no proper rescue operations have even been commenced by this supposedly First World country.  Is Canada  not prepared for such incidents????   Totally Shameful.

TORONTO — One day after authorities stopped  — then quickly restarted — search and rescue operations after a roof collapsed at a northern Ontario shopping mall, questions turned to the speed and adequacy of the provincial response to a disaster that has claimed an unknown number of lives.

Rick Hamilton, the mayor of Elliot Lake, said Premier Dalton McGuinty didn't call him until late Monday, two days after the roof at the Algo Centre Mall collapsed, killing at least one and trapping an unknown number of others. Hamilton said the provincial emergency co-ordinator also arrived two days after the collapse.

But McGuinty, who has yet to visit the site of the disaster, steered clear of that criticism Tuesday.
"Some may want to engage in some kind of blame game," he told reporters in Toronto. "I just don't really think that's appropriate."

"I think we need to be focused right now on doing everything we can to help those people."
On Monday, search and rescue officials suspended operations mere hours after reporting signs of life from the rubble. The decision followed engineer reports saying the structure was in imminent danger of collapse.

That decision prompted an angry response from the local community, many of them former miners.
"We're all devastated, because as far as we're concerned, there's someone alive in there," said one resident, Catherine Timleck-Shaw.

"They should be brought out, and not left in there to die. In our eyes, that's murder."......

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