Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pakistan's slow but steady entry into their own civil war

Was I right, or was I right??  It does not take a genius to figure out these things.  One needs to just look at the nature of the beast (Muslims) and with  a bit of commonsense and a few active brain cells,  voila will arrive at the correct diagnosis each and every time.
Pakistan's biggest folly was to open wide their borders to the Taliban scum fleeing USA's bombing of their caves in Afghanistan. With that influx of Wahhibism, plus all the millions of  Saudi  puppets in the citizenry of Pakistan, it was a foregone conclusion that Pakistan would become a hellhole of even bigger proportions than it ever was ... and that's saying a lot.
As you can see from the 5-day tally below ... Pakistan already has it's toes in the bloodbath of a civil war.

2012.06.25 Iraq Hillah 'Insurgents' set off a bomb near a soccer field, killing nine young Shiites..
2012.06.25 Thailand Pattani  A 17-year-old is among three innocent victims pulled out of a car and machine-gunned in cold blood by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.06.24 Nigeria Bauchi A 3-month-old baby is among the casualties of a Boko Haram blast at a beer garden.
2012.06.24 Kenya Mombasa  At least one person is killed when religious extremists throw a hand-grenade into a bar showing a soccer game.
2012.06.24 Pakistan Upper Dir Muslim hardliners murder six border guards. Seven others are captured and beheaded.
2012.06.24 Afghanistan  Jalalabad Fundamentalists bomb a market selling music, killing two participants.
2012.06.23 Pakistan  Quetta  Islamic militants are suspected in the target killing of eight men at a laundrymat.
2012.06.23 Yemen Zinjibar Thirty-five people are killed in a series of al-Qaeda landmine blasts.
2012.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 'Insurgents' set off a nail bomb at a crowded market, killing at least a dozen innocents and leaving over a hundred more injured.
2012.06.22 Pakistan Laddah Fundamentalists capture and behead seven local soldiers.
2012.06.22 Pakistan Karachi  Two seminary teachers are assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.06.21 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa Two very young children are among the dead when Islamists bomb a Sufi shrine.
2012.06.21 Pakistan Quetta Religion of Peace rivals bomb a mosque, killing two worshippers.
2012.06.21 Afghanistan Qargha Lake At least twenty people are massacred by fundamentalists at a hotel serving alcohol.

via:   TROP

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