Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oh look everybody... Navi "Rip van Winkle" Pillay from the Useless Nitwits wakes up for 30 seconds ...

and then will go back to snooze in 1-2-3.

How long has Nigeria's Muslims been blowing up Christians in their churches?   It's been more than three years since the Muslim murderers  calling themselves  Boko Haram have been killing Christians and  bombing and burning churches ..... but did you hear of the United Nations even whispering those two words "Boko Haram" before today?

No you haven't.  And, you know why?  They are kept far too busy sending their "food security envoys" to  Canada and getting lying hypocrites like Navi Pillay to sic on Canadian abuse of "human rights".

Did you get that folks?  Canada has a "human rights" problem  according to the Useless Nitwits but the Arab nations and nations in Africa and of course China, North Korea  and Russia have bright shiny halos hanging over their heads.  Is this the world organization that you are naive enough to take seriously????

The Useless Nitwits org is full of  blasted hypocrites....each and every last one of them.  There can be no improvement at that body, it has to be shut down and that can happen only if the USA which is the donor of   more than 40% of it's funding, does the decent thing for all humanity and exits from this farce.

I don't agree with some of Ron Paul's beliefs and opinions ... but when it comes to the UN, his take is absolutely on target.

Ron Paul and the John Birch Society have been warning us for decades about the corruption and the utter uselessness of the United Nations.   Why is it taking America, Canada and other countries of the West so bloody long to get it????

Lisa Schlein writing at VoiceOfAmerica:
GENEVA - The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights is condemning the recent deadly bomb attacks on churches by the radical Boko Haram group in Nigeria.  High Commissioner Navi Pillay says the violent acts may amount to crimes against humanity. Over the past week, scores of people have died in a wave of violence and killings, including suicide attacks on churches in Nigeria by the Boko Haram group.  Some of the victims reportedly died in subsequent retaliatory attacks by Christian youths in the city of Kaduna and in clashes between security forces and protesting Muslims.U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay condemns the repeated attacks by Boko Haram on places of worship and on religious freedom.  Her spokesman, Rupert Colville, says she is very concerned about this extremist Muslim group's attempts to stir sectarian tension and violence between two communities that have lived together peacefully for so long. ........

It's time for common-sense nations to exit the United Nations and to form a new assembly with club membership to ONLY democratic nations.

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