Thursday, June 28, 2012

More on the Elliot Lake Mall collapse that has thrown light on Canada's wimpy men

What did you expect?  Did you expect the rescue team or those in control of it or the Labor Ministry  to show an iota of manliness after decades of  Liberal rule?  Our men in Canada  have become so feminine and European sounding and acting,  that  women's boutiques all over this land would do a roaring business if they turned themselves into outlets for "men only".

Labor Unions and the most stupid laws thought up by the most stupidest bureaucrats have made Canadian men into pussies... no wonder Canadian women are now seen taking on the kind of tasks that the wimps, once born as males,  have let go.   So disgraceful, so embarrassing.
Margaret Wente writing at Globe&Mail:
....I have no idea what difference that equipment made. But it seems fair to assume that if matters had been left in the hands of the rescue team and bureaucrats, those two bodies would still be lying in the rubble....
....Who was in charge at Elliot Lake? I’d love to know. The whole effort smacks of confusion, timidity, lack of foresight and reluctance to take any risk at all. Absent a clear chain of command, people were more focused on process than on getting the job done.

...Not that this would be the first time. Last fall, an 82-year-old woman fell down and broke her hip in the entrance of a hospital in Windsor, Ont. (She had been visiting her dying husband.) Instead of carting the poor old lady to Emergency, hospital workers told her family they’d have to phone an ambulance to come get her. People stepped over her in the entrance as she lay waiting.
Then there was the man who fell out of a boat into a lake in England. The lake was three feet deep. Emergency crews were summoned to the scene, but refused to rescue him because they were not trained to enter water that was more than “ankle deep.” By the time the specialist water team arrived, the man was dead.

As I said, emergencies don’t necessarily require heroes. What they do require is common sense and initiative – as well as leaders who have the skills and smarts to get the job done....

Commonsense at it's best from Charles Adler of SUNTV ...

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