Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Civil wars raging in three Muslim countries but we dare not say it out loud

From June 11 to June 15, there's a count of  90+ dead and countless wounded in Iraq. Can we now acknowledge the fact that  Iraq too is in a civil war of it's own?  Now we have Sunnis and Shiites in Syria, Yemen and Iraq mincing each other to tiny bits while Pakistan is getting there too, a tad slowly but it will get there.  Egypt, perhaps. You never can tell.   All the Muslim nations are sitting on one big powder keg.  However, the Muslim Arab nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman ... who are the real culprits  responsible for the entire mess in the Middle East and in parts of Africa,  are sitting pretty only because the world's biggest power is standing staunchly behind them .... very stupidly and very naively.  I hope that will change with Mitt Romney's presidency, although I am not holding my breath.

2012.06.15 Iraq Saadiyah  A husband and wife are murdered in their bedroom by Mujahideen.
2012.06.15 Pakistan Bara Two children lose their lives to a landmine left by Islamic militants.
2012.06.15 Afghanistan Maroof Terrorists detonate a bomb at a marketplace, killing a patron.
2012.06.14 Pakistan Idalakudi A 24-year-old non-Muslim is beaten to death with iron bars for marrying a Muslim girl.
2012.06.14 Philippines Parang  A 90-year-old woman is among four people strafed with machine-gun fire by Abu Sayyaf.
2012.06.13 Iraq Hillah Twenty-two people at a restaurant are massacred in mid-bite by two Sunni car bombs.
2012.06.13 Iraq Fallujah Women and children are among the casualties when Jihadis blow up a house.
2012.06.13 Iraq Mosul A child is one of two people killed by 'insurgent' bombers.'
2012.06.13 Iraq Balad Sunni car bombings leave five Shiites dead.
2012.06.13 Iraq Baqubah Jihadi bombers take out two Iraqis and leave another forty-four in agony.
2012.06.13 Iraq Juba A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two souls to Allah.
2012.06.13 Iraq Baghdad Sunnis set off a car bomb in a Shiite neighborhood, killing at least seven.
2012.06.13 Iraq Baghdad A bomb at a commercial compound rips nine people to shreds.
2012.06.13 Iraq al-Madain Islamic terrorists kill at least five Iraqis with two car bombs.
2012.06.13 Iraq Basra At least ten civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahideen car bombers.
2012.06.13 Iraq Baghdad Sixteen people at a dining hall are liquidated by Religion of Peace blast.
2012.06.12 Afghanistan Chahar Bolak A Fedayeen bicycle bomber pedals his way to paradise, taking three innocents with him.
2012.06.12 Afghanistan Wardak Women and children are among five dead when Sunni fundamentalists set off a bomb under a minibus.
2012.06.12 Pakistan Bazidkhel Two security guards are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.06.12 Iraq Baghdad A targeted bombing attack on a procession of Shiite pilgrims leaves at least two dead.
2012.06.12 Nigeria Dalori Boko Haram gunmen ambush a Volkswagen and shoot two occupants to death.
2012.06.12 Pakistan Nankana Sahib A family member slays a 16-year-old girl and her boyfriend on suspicion of sex.
2012.06.11 Pakistan Nasir Bagh Three young children and their mother are victimized by a bomb hidden in a toy.
2012.06.11 Pakistan Chowk Korona A boy and girl are 'honor killed' by the girl's brothers after they are discovered together.
2012.06.11 Pakistan Mastung Sunnis bomb a passenger bus carrying Shiites, killing six civilians and injuring fifty more.
2012.06.11 Afghanistan Sari Pul Taliban bombers take out an ambulance carrying a pregnant woman to the hospital, killing three of her relatives as well.
2012.06.11 Iraq Falujah 'Insurgents' blow up a family home, killing two members.
2012.06.11 Egypt Cairo Several Christian students are injured by Muslims angered over their evangelism.
2012.06.11 Egypt Cairo A young girl is beaten by her brothers and thrown off a building for the crime of being in a 'relationship'.
2012.06.11 Iraq Mosul Terrorists storm a home and shoot a 20-year-old woman to death.
2012.06.11 Somalia El Bur Two young men are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists.
2012.06.11 Pakistan Helmand Three local soldiers are exterminated by a Taliban rocket attack.
and casualties from Syria's civil war
2012.06.14 Syria  Damascus Fourteen people are injured when a suicide bomber detonates at a Shia shrine.

via:  TROP  

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